Hello, you have been sent this link to our Payment Portal so that we can reimburse you or pay your compensation.
Please complete this form. If we need to get back to you, we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.
Special characters cannot be added.
Something went wrong and we didn't receive your form. We are aware that some people are having technical issues and we're working to fix them. Please try again later.
This must match the name on the account. Special characters cannot be added.
If your country is not shown, please reply back to the email you accessed this form with as we may need to change your currency.
Sort codes are 6 digits. You do not need to add a dash (-) between numbers.
UK account numbers are 8 digits.
ABA or RTN routing codes are 9 digits.
US account numbers have up to 17 digits.
IFSC codes are 11 digits which can include letters.
Indian account numbers have up to 18 digits.
Nigerian account numbers are 10 digits.
This will be either 8 or 11 digits and can include letters. If you are unsure what this is, please check with your bank.
This can be up to 34 digits and will start with 2 letters. If you are unsure what this is please check with your bank.
Canadian Account numbers are between 7 and 12 digits.
South African Account numbers are between 7 and 11 digits.
This can be up to 34 digits and will start with 2 letters. If you are unsure what this is, please check with your bank.
You need to add Bank code (3 digits) / Branch code (3 digits) / Account number (6-9 digits) together in one line.
New Zealand Account numbers are between 15 and 17 digits.
Thailand Account numbers are between 5 and 16 digits.
This is your bank account number.
We collect and use your information in accordance with our privacy policy
It’s been passed on to the relevant team and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.