Tobago travel alerts

There are currently no travel alerts - You're good to go!

Please check the travel advice for all countries in your itinerary.

Entry requirements

You must check all requirements before heading to the airport.

Proof of Vaccination

You are no longer required to show proof of vaccination on arrival into Tobago.


Pre-departure Test

You are no longer required to complete a pre-departure Covid-19 test before your arrival into Tobago. 


Pre-departure Test

You are no longer required to complete a pre-departure Covid-19 test before your arrival into Tobago. 



Please note, on your flight to Trinidad & Tobago it will be your personal choice to wear a face mask onboard, now that mask-wearing is not a legal requirement in England. Please ensure you have a mask for boarding and disembarking and your destination airport. Masks remain available for anyone still wishing to wear one during the flight.

Spraying in the cabin


The process of disinsection is required by WHO (World Health Organisation) and local health authorities to prevent the spread of infectious diseases, e.g. Malaria.

On our Tobago route, we spray the inside of the aircraft with insecticides, which is recommended under the WHO based on their safety and effectiveness.

The spray we use onboard is Phenothrin (1R-trans phenothrin), which dissipates within a few minutes after being sprayed in the cabin.    

Our cabin crew will make an onboard announcement when the spraying of insecticides is about to take place. We encourage customers to use this opportunity to cover their nose, eyes and mouth if they wish to do so. 

Tobago airport guides


A.N.R. Robinson International Airport (TAB)

View airport guide